


拥有这么多美妙的福利 水软化剂系统 for your home, it’s almost shocking to learn just how easy they are to maintain. Top off the tank monthly, do an occasional cleaning, and you are good to go. It takes just a few minutes a month to keep your 软水器 working like clockwork, keeping your home free of the pesky minerals that wreak havoc on your pipes, 固定装置, 和家电.

除了定期保养外, there is one common issue with 水软化剂系统s that you need to watch out for. Occasionally, you will see the formation of a salt bridge in the brine tank. 幸运的是,这是一个可以通过简单的修复来避免的问题. 你只需要知道要注意什么.


A salt bridge occurs when the salt in your brine tank clumps together, 在盐水上形成一座桥. 通常由湿气引起, this layer of hardened salt holds the salt supply on top of it from falling into the brine, 在盐和水位之间制造了一个缺口.

你的软水器靠盐来运转. 简而言之, your system uses resin beads to conduct the ion exchange that removes the hard minerals from your water. Regular cleaning of these beads is necessary for them to continue to work. 盐会产生一种盐水来清洁树脂珠. 当你的软化剂里有盐桥, 盐没有进入水里, 树脂珠没有被清洗干净, and your entire system is unable to continue softening your water.


There are some telltale signs that you might be dealing with a salt bridge in your brine tank.

  • 你的软水机好像坏了. 你可能会注意到你的水摸起来很硬, 你可能会注意到水垢积聚, 你的头发和皮肤可能会感到干燥, 你的肥皂可能不会产生那么多的泡沫.
  • 当你补充水分的时候,你的盐含量看起来已经满了. If it is time to top off the salt in your tank but it still seems full, 这可能是盐桥存在的信号.
  • 你的盐摸起来很硬. A salt bridge forms when the salt is damp enough to adhere together but not completely submerged. This may cause a crusty texture on the salt in your tank, indicating a bigger problem.


盐桥形成的原因有很多. 这可能是因为水箱里的水位太低了, 这个水箱需要好好清洗一下, 或者是湿度水平导致盐聚集在一起. It can also result from using the wrong type of salt in the 软水器, 使它容易聚集在一起.

While there are various reasons a salt bridge can form, it shouldn’t be a regular issue. 如果它成为一个反复出现的问题, consider calling your water professional to take a look and help identify the cause.


拆除盐桥可以是一个快速而简单的项目. 如果你有一座盐桥, we recommend dealing with it promptly because it is a problem that will only get worse with time. 只需要几个步骤,你就可以重新开始工作了.

  • 把盐桥上的盐全部去掉
  • After removing the loose salt, break up the salt bridge using a broom or mop handle
  • Remove all of the chunks of the bridge that fell down into the tank
  • With all the salt out, take the opportunity to clean out your brine tank properly
  • Allow the water levels to return to normal, and add the proper level of salt
  • 你重新开始工作了


A salt bridge is usually something you only need to address occasionally. 然而, 如果这是一个重复的问题, there are a few things you can do to help you identify the root cause of the issue.

  • 确保您的盐水罐得到定期,适当的清洗
  • 尽你所能防止过度的湿度
  • 确保不要把盐加得过多
  • Use the correct salt for your system (recommended by your local 软水器 professional)

虽然盐桥不是你经常看到的东西, 这是你应该意识到并知道如何解决的问题. 你发现得越早,分手就越容易.

一如既往地, your best resource when it comes to the care and maintenance of your system is your local Austin 软水器 expert. 专业人士了解你的具体系统, 当地环境, 以及可能导致盐桥的因素. A quick service call by your local 软水器 company will allow you to quickly identify the problem and get your water back to normal.